February of 2017 marked the 25th anniversary of the first World Committee on Mummy Studies. During this time we have celebrated nine meetings, with this extraordinary event now in the works for 2018. No one could imagine such a success for a scientific meeting that, at first sight, seemed so specialized; but technological advances have proven that mummy studies are always a fertile ground for applying new methods and techniques to the study of the past, making mummy studies a highly interdisciplinary field of research.
The Congresses have been “ruled” by the World Committee on Mummy Studies, created in 1992 as an informal group, to help in the organization of the future congresses and has been formed by the presidents of the previous events plus other people selected for a specific reason.
In fact and so far, the organization of the World Congresses on Mummy Studies has been rather easy-going, in the sense that we don’t have an institutional format, guidelines or rules that establish how, where, and when the meetings will take place. This is good in a way because we are a relatively small group and a certain degree of informality is a healthy thing. Perhaps this is one reason why the Congress has such a friendly appeal and although the Committee is reorganized in the future it is necessary to keep the friendly atmosphere that has always been present in every edition.